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Get an insight into how I create my gradient designs

Learn how to smartly combine familiar tools in Adobe Illustrator to create exciting complex designs, illustrations & artworks more efficiently!


What Students Say

"I loved the thorough breakdown of how the designs were constructed. There were tons of great techniques packed into a short and concise course."

— Jeremy

Get lifetime access to this course on Teachable


55 minutes

7 videos


Self-Paced Learning

watch video lessons whenever you want


Over 3k

in the past 2 years


Evgeniya Righini-Brand

I am a graphic designer at Attitude Creative and a gradient fanatic. I teach a popular class on Mastering Gradients in Adobe Illustrator, and I have an ongoing Gradient Studies series, which is my personal pursuit exploring different techniques for creating vector gradient-based designs by exploiting the full potential of Illustrator’s tools.

I am often asked how I have created certain pieces in my popular Gradient Studies series, and in this class I am excited to dissect for you a selection of designs which feature some of my favourite tricks and techniques, and share a few tips and ideas for how you can use a combination of Illustrator’s tools in your future projects to create some exciting works easier and faster.

What Students Say

"Great lesson! Evgeniya has excellent lessons: detailed, informative, with clear descriptions and examples. She gives much more information than I could expect from the topic of the lesson!"

— Olga

More often than not even the most complex-looking gradient-based designs made in Adobe Illustrator are quite easy to create — and you can get impressive results by using a clever combination of Illustrator's basic tools and looking beyond their obvious functionality!

This class is designed for intermediate and advanced Adobe Illustrator users who know their way around the program well and are proficient users of Illustrator’s core tools and functionality, including:

  • Fill Gradients;
  • Stroke Gradients;
  • Clipping Masks;
  • Opacity Masks;
  • Blend Tool;
  • Gradient Meshes;
  • Appearance Attributes: Fill & Stroke Attributes, Blending Modes, Opacity;
  • Grain & Blur Effects;
  • working with Appearance panel.

Whether you are an illustrator, graphic artist or designer who needs to quickly visualise concepts to pitch ideas to clients or an in-house team, or create final works for print or digital use, I hope this class will spark some new visual ideas and help you create eye-catching designs more efficiently!

What Students Say

"Great overview of awesome concepts and theories using many different kinds of gradients together, with great explanations on how to make them and why they work."

— Sean

"This class was full of handy gradients techniques, and was fun to experiment along with! It's great to take it alongside Evgeniya's "Mastering Gradients in Adobe Illustrator" class, as the other class goes into much more depth about how to make good-looking gradients and what goes behind making them."

— Maha

Language & Captions



Do I need any previous skills or experience to take this class?

This class is designed for intermediate and advanced Adobe Illustrator users who know their way around the program well and are proficient users of Adobe Illustrator’s core tools and functionality, and have a solid understanding of the principles of creating gradients in Adobe Illustrator.

What software do I need to follow this class?

You’ll need any Creative Cloud version of Adobe Illustrator which supports Stroke Gradients and Opacity Masks.

You can download the latest trial version of the Adobe Illustrator from

I've taken your Mastering Gradients in Adobe Illustrator class before, will I learn anything new in this class?

Yes you will! This class has a different format of dissecting examples of my designs and analysing specific effects and how to create them using a combination of different tools, whilst my Mastering Gradients in Adobe Illustrator class provides an in-depth look at using separate gradient-related tools and getting the most out of them.

How long can I access this class for?

After purchasing and enrolling in this class, you will have lifetime access to it in the Attitude Creative School on Teachable.

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

We hope you will learn a lot of valuable tips, tricks & techniques taking this class, but if it turns out that this class is not something you were looking for, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase.